.. include:: deprecation-notice.rst .. |download_image| image:: /_static/download.svg :height: 18 .. |copy_image| image:: /_static/copy.svg :height: 18 .. _bonsai_onixref: Bonsai.ONIX =================================== .. Important: The names of pages for nodes must match their Bonsai.ONIX class names so that documentation can be opened from the Bonsai Editor! .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: Installation GettingStarted Nodes/index Bonsai Examples/index `Bonsai.ONIX `__ is a `Bonsai `__ package for ONIX hardware. This package contains `Bonsai Operators `__ for acquiring and sending data to ONIX hardware. An additional package, ``Bonsai.ONIX.Design``, contains GUI elements for the core package. Although it is possible to use ``Bonsai.ONIX`` without the GUI package, it is not recommended. There are three major classes of operators in the package: #. :ref:`bonsai_onicontext` - This operator wraps the underlying **Acquisition Context** and provides access to the device table for a hardware slot. At least one of these operators is required in every workflow. #. ``Device`` - These operators wrap individual :ref:`ONI Device `'s and provide access to their data IO and configuration registers. #. Various helper operators that provide data conditioning functionality. E.g. for converting raw sensor data into 3D positions, etc. Using this Documentation -------------------------- This documentation contains functional workflows and operators. You can download workflows by clicking the |download_image| icon. Alternatively, you can copy and paste them into the `Bonsai Workflow Editor `__ by clicking the |copy_image| icon and using ``Ctrl+v`` or equivalent in the editor: .. raw:: html {% with static_path = '../../_static', name = 'HelloWorld' %} {% include 'workflow.html' %} {% endwith %}